Monday, September 7, 2015

Children's Safety Has Changed Dramatically Over the Years + Giveaway

Even before Scarlett was born, I was taking her safety into account.  I did not have caffeine during my pregnancy and was not allowed to have any soft cheeses either.  Fish and shellfish were a cause for concern because of the mercury.  Lunch meats had to be heated to zap away the risk of listeria.  There was always something to be cautious of during pregnancy, but hey 9 months isn't forever! Avoiding some things I loved to ensure my baby was healthy was worth it to me.

Once Scarlett was born, she slept on her back in a crib that was free of bumpers.  I know when I was a baby in the 80's, my crib had bumpers in it.  Nobody thought anything of it.  But today, baby can suffocate with bumpers.  Although people were quick to tell me how their children slept on their stomachs and were perfectly fine, I wasn't going to take that risk.  Once Scarlett rolled over to sleep on her stomach, it worried me.  As long as she can support her own head and roll around, the fear has since dissipated.  I still put her to sleep initially on her back though.  She immediately rolls onto her stomach because she's more comfortable that way.  I can't blame her though, I sleep on my stomach too.

Stomach sleeping then versus back sleeping today

Blankets and pillows are a big no-no in a crib too.  Parents may feel that children are more comfortable with those things in their crib, but it's a big suffocation hazard.  Keeping a crib clear of absolutely anything is key.  If you want baby to stay warm or cool (depending on the season) make sure to have your little one wear a HALO SleepSack which is essentially a wearable zippable blanket.  Scarlett has been wearing these since she was born and they are a big favorite in our household.

Sleeping on the couch (unsafe soft surface with blankets) versus a safe sleeping environment today.

HALO Innovations is running a "then and now" campaign during the month of September for Baby Safety Month.  HALO is asking people to post pictures and share stories depicting how safety concerns have changed since they were children.  HALO has partnered with First Candle to promote Grandparent Tips which launches September 13th.  This website shares safety information and advice  aimed specifically at Grandparents.  

The below tips should be shared with any caregiver to ensure safe sleep for baby:

1. Place baby to sleep on his or her back at nap and bedtime
2. Use a crib that meets current safety standards with a firm mattress and is covered with only a tight-fitting crib sheet.
3. Remove all blankets, comforters, and toys from your baby's sleep area. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests using a wearable blanket instead of loose blankets to keep your baby warm.
3. Offer a pacifier when putting baby to bed.  If breastfeeding, introduce pacifier after one month, or after breastfeeding has been established.
4. Put baby to sleep in his or her separate sleep area alongside your bed.  Roomsharing is important, but don't bed share.  Sleeping in the same bed as your baby can put the child at risk of suffocation.

Remember, never put baby to sleep on any soft surfaces.  
Don't dress baby too warmly for sleep, and keep the room temperature 68-72 degrees F
Don't take your baby into an area where smoking occurs or someone has just smoked

If you follow these tips, you'll ensure that your baby receives a restful and safe sleep every day.  


  1. I had bumpers in my son's crib 31 years ago and put him to sleep on his tummy because that's what was recommended at the time. Crib mattresses were lowered as needed as the baby grew to prevent climbing out.

  2. my grandma said that when she had kids that they didn't have to have fancy car seats and could ride in the front seat.

  3. When my 2 children were babies I put them in their cribs on their stomach to sleep. This was what I was told by their pediatrician and also my Mom was the best position. By the time my 2 grandchildren were born this all changed and I learned that the safest position for them to sleep was on their backs.

  4. I asked my Grandma about this and she said that in this area in the 60's car seats were practically non-existent -the baby or toddler just sat on someones lap!

  5. No seatbelts, no carseats! Kids roaming free range in the vehicles! Nowadays kids are strapped down tight

  6. my grandmother said there wasnt much awareness about sids,and not to many safety products on market ,no car seats ,cribs made unsafely
