Thursday, August 5, 2021

Be In The Know About Pest Advisors

The summer is a breeding ground for all sorts of pests to come out and about.  Just like people, pests want to be outside enjoying the warmer temperatures.  Whether you live in a house or apartment I'm sure you've had your fair share of unwanted pests from time to time. 

PestAdvisors is a wonderful guide that allows you to identify various pests and share tips on how to get rid of them.  The research-based guidance is written or reviewed by license pest management professionals.  These are not tips that are maybe going to work or maybe not, they are straight from the pros. In order to build a trustworthy source, PestAdvisors has partnered with pest control professionals across the US.  Current partners range from academic leaders and researchers to active pest management professionals at trusted companies.

The website features a list of pest removal tips for bedbugs, earwigs, silverfish, centipedes, kudzu bugs, mosquitos, sowbugs/pillbugs, thrips. As you can see these are common pests that everyone can receive in their home from time to time

What I like most about Pest Advisors is that the website tells you if the pest is common, how to identify it, where it comes from and if they're dangerous. The removal methods for pests are all DIY and very easy to do.  

We've been in our house since 2019 and are very lucky that we have not had a big infestation of any pests besides ants. I will be definitely saving this resource and coming back to it if we receive any future unwanted guests in our home!

PestAdvisors is the perfect resource to share with anyone you know.  You should have it bookmarked at all times and be ready to use it when the time comes.  Nobody wants pesky pets in their home if they don't have to! 

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