Thursday, July 22, 2021



The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has more than disrupted daily life in the United States and everywhere else. And, while social distancing is the best plan of action until further notice, long-distance moves can't always be postponed.

But how does one move successfully in the middle of a pandemic? More specifically, are long-distance movers even available currently? Continue reading to find out.

Are Moving Services Still Available?

For the time being, yes. If you've already arranged your move and have not yet heard something, we think it's safe to assume that your moving company is still available unless otherwise advised, but we recommend that you still call to double-check.

Moving with Children

In these trying times, many families are inevitably being forced to relocate. This can be challenging for both children and adults, particularly if the relocation is to a different city or state in the US.

Before and after the move, children would undoubtedly need additional care from adults, which tends to understandably be a difficult balancing task for parents who are already overwhelmed by a flurry of paperwork, purchases, and meetings with realtors and long-distance movers.

If you’re a parent, scroll below to find a few tips that can make it easier for even the youngest members of your family to get through the whole long-distance move:

Discuss the Move

The best course of action to keep your little ones from freaking out is to talk to them about the move. Be as gentle and truthful as possible and give them as much information as possible. Prepare them for the move by keeping them involved and asking for their input about the new house and school they’ll be in soon.

Allow Children to Say Their Goodbyes

The thought of never seeing their friends and familiar environment again has probably frightened your young ones a lot. Help them host a fun virtual goodbye party where they can say farewell to their loved ones meaningfully and positively. Encourage them to keep in touch even after the move.

Pack Lots of Snacks

If you’ve hired long-distance movers to take care of your belongings, there’s a huge chance you have plenty of space in your car. Fill it up with snacks! Yes, you read that right.

Moving can be exhausting, and having the classic celery, raisins, peanut butter, carrot stick, apple slices, or any other finger food ready on the go will keep your kids not only distracted but satisfied and happy, as well! Just be sure to clean up the mess later.

Keep Kids Entertained

Long drives can be agitating, and when children start crying and screaming out of boredom and unrest, it's crucial that you give them something that can distract them and calm them down.

Fill your car with books, cassette tapes, movies, or educational apps on the family tablet. Keep a collection of fun toys locked in the back for young children to play with as soon as they start showing signs of irritation. Bring lots of blankets, pillows, favorite stuffed animals, coloring books, and crayons to keep your children busy until you get to your destination.

Bring Essentials for Comfort

Take a fresh set of clothes for every day you expect to be on the road, as well as a spare shirt or two in case anything goes wrong. Pack all the toothbrushes and baby wipes, along with a bottle of hand sanitizer, as well. Even if the little ones don't think they need their necessities, everybody will end up feeling more relaxed if they’re clean and fresh.

Show Your Support

Remember that just because your long-distance movers have unloaded your stuff, it doesn’t mean that the move is over. Parents should show extra affection and give more time to kids even after moving.

Intentional activities like reading a special tale for your children, bringing out the favorite board game for the family, preparing a meal your children enjoy, and spending more time chatting can encourage your little ones to share their thoughts and emotions on moving safely.

Taking the day off from work after the move, strolling around your new area, and discovering your new environment with your kids all make them feel loved and less lonely.

The Bottom Line

Long-distance moves tend to be hard for everyone, but for young members of your family, they can be especially taxing. This is why families need to unite and help each other out especially in these trying times.

Happy long-distance moving!




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