Monday, December 5, 2016

Scarlett 24 Month Update!

Can you believe it? Scarlett is just days away from being two years old! I haven't given everyone an update on her since September, so I thought now was as good of a time as any.

Scarlett turns two on Friday.  We're having a Sesame Street themed birthday party for her on Saturday.  I'm beyond excited for the party and hope that she'll have so much fun.  I can't wait to show everyone the pictures.  A face painter and balloon twister is coming to the party to entertain the kids, and we're doing a special Sesame Street themed photo booth too! You'll love the decorations, they are adorable.

Potty training is something I really need to focus on now.  I bought a potty for Scarlett when she turned 18 months, but we haven't been talking about potty training as much as we should.  When I first got it, I bought a special potty themed book to introduce her to it.  She seemed interested but it was short-lived.  She still occasionally likes to sit on the potty and has actually peed in it once, but it was pure luck.  I think she views the potty as a special chair and doesn't get the true connection of it.  
Now that she's going to be 2, it's time to really start the training.  I want to be done with diapers!

We may be starting speech therapy soon.  Scarlett is talking up a storm but it's all just noises and sounds.  My husband and I had an evaluation for her in September and they wanted us to start then, but said we could wait to see if there was progress by her 2nd birthday.  She says cheese, mama, dada, uh oh, and yeah.  She's speaking way more than she used to which is fantastic, but she's not at the speech level she should be.  Hopefully the therapy can get her to where she needs to be.

The pacifier is still a problem.  If I have another child at some point, I am not introducing a pacifier to him/her ever.  Scarlett is very attached and the addiction is not lessening.  She's very dependent on her paci and looks to it for comfort.  I'd like to redirect that comfort to maybe a toy or her stuffed Elmo if possible.  I don't want the pacifier to affect her teeth and it may be why she's not speaking as much as she could be.  We're attempting to take it away soon and I know we're going to be in for lots of screaming and crying.  It's not going to be a fun time in our house!

Scarlett is still a good eater, thankfully.  She still loves tomatoes as well as all fruits and veggies.  She can be picky from time to time, and we're working on having her not throw her food to Lynnie on the ground.  Some of her favorite foods are pasta and peas, chicken, turkey meatballs, and chicken and cheese quesadillas with pineapple salsa on the side.  She also loves cinnamon graham crackers and honey Teddy Grahams too.

I've seen lots of improvement in Scarlett's level of comprehension over the past few months. She knows her animals and can identify shapes and colors too.  It makes me happy as a parent to see her pointing to a specific item in a book correctly when asked.  You know you're doing a good job as a parent when you see that! Next on the list, I'd like to start heavily introducing her to her ABC's and numbers.  Even though she's young, it's never too early to start teaching them.

Scarlett still has a huge love of books which makes me happy.  She has her list of favorites on rotation but truly enjoys reading all books.  She tends to go for animal based books first and loves to turn the pages herself and babble to the book.  Clifford books as well as Good Night Moon are what she asks us to read to her most.

She enjoys playing with puzzles lately and has a big interest in crayons and coloring.  I like that she wants to be creative and draw, but she doesn't keep the crayon in the book for long. Scarlett tends to wander from the coloring book and starts to draw on the walls and my wooden floors.  The other day she took a marker to my fabric dining chairs.  It's a little too stressful for me, so we have to limit the coloring to practically a minimum.  She is upset, but I can't handle my walls being drawn on! 

I can't wait to see what the next year brings for her.  It's hard to believe that she'll no longer be one, but two! Time is going by so fast and my husband and I are trying to enjoy every moment. 

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