Tuesday, October 9, 2012

First Alert Giveaway

Having a smoke alarm is the smartest decision you can make in your home.  Fires are not a joke and having a smoke alarm can potentially save your life.  You should make sure your smoke alarm works by regularly testing it. It's also essential to replace the batteries from time to time. First Alert is your go-to company for ensuring that your home and loved ones are safe from house fires.

First Alert is the most recognized and trusted brand in home safety and security products.  The company is dedicated and passionate about protecting what matters most to you and your family, your home.  First Alert provides items such as smoke detectors, home security products, fire extinguishers and cash and safety boxes. 

October is Fire Prevention Month. First Alert is encouraging consumers to "power up" their smoke and carbon dioxide alarms in a nationwide public education campaign focused on having consumers to test alarms, and if needed, update with better devices. When you choose to replace your device with a newer one, you are letting advanced technology to combat frequent false alarms and better detect real threats.

Did you know that in 1/5 of homes smoke alarms are non-working? Households have smoke alarms installed, but most don't realize that the batteries are dead or the unit needs to be replaced.  That's very scary and concerning.  Two-thirds of home fire deaths each year occur in properties without working smoke alarms.  Don't let something tragic and horrible come out of an easily fixable situation. (According to the National Fire Protection Association).

Let October be a reminder to you to check on your smoke alarms to make sure they are in working order.  Assist elderly friends or family members with their units to confirm they are in top notch condition too.

First Alert has an active sweepstakes which allows 10 fans each day to win a First Alert smoke alarm and a pack of Duracell batteries (contest runs through October 31st.) At the end of the month, 5 grand prize winners will receive a "Power Up" prize pack which includes 5 First Alert smoke alarms and Duracell batteries, along with a First Alert security camera system.  Please check out the sweepstakes here.

By entering my contest, you'll have a chance to win a First Alert smoke alarm!



  1. As Maureen

    We probably check it twice a year.
    msgb245 at gmail dot com

  2. Truth be told not often enough because our local firefighters did a house by house check this summer and 2 out of 4 of my alarms needed batteries which they put in. I was very embarressed to say the least... They also told me 1 could be updated so this would be great!

  3. usually when we change the clocks for daylight savings time

  4. We check ours once every few months

  5. When we change the clocks.

  6. Considering I've been through a housefire, the family tends to check it every 2 months just to be on the safe side.

  7. unfortunately we only check ours when they start beeping with low battery, I always say we should when the time change occurs but saying and doing are two different thengs. :(

  8. We check twice a year. Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!

  9. I check ours once a year when I replace the batteries

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  10. New place, haven't checked it yet. Think I'd rather have a new one to go with the new place :o)

    (lisa lo) RC form

  11. I know you're supposed to check them twice a year, when you change your clocks. But hearing about more and more fires where there were no working smoke detectors in the house, I try to check them at least every month or two.

    jlritter68 at

  12. we check twice a year when we change the clocks

  13. About every 6 months.
    Thanks for the chance.

  14. usually twice a year when we change the clocks - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  15. We check them every couple of months

  16. About when each season starts..about 4 times a year.
    karenmed409 at comcast dot net

  17. I hate to say it not nearly as often as I should, about once a year!

  18. I actually dont check them very often..:( I really should get on that!
    (Karla Sceviour)

  19. Not as often as I should, maybe once a year

  20. I do every year on my sons birthday!

  21. We check ours every 6 months!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

  22. Only one of my alarms is working. i need 2 more.

  23. I think my alarms are wired so I don't need to check but I moved into my house 2 weeks ago and I think we're good right now!

  24. I check once a month and Replace the batteries whenever the time changes.

  25. I check it once a month and change the batteries whenever the time changes.

  26. Once a year :)

    ktgonyea at

  27. We check it every 6 months.

  28. usually i dont check them till i hear the beep telling me the batteries are low

  29. When I change the batteries, which is twice a year when the time changes.

  30. probably not often enough. Though my children are great at it. some genious put one right outside their bathroom door and if they take a hot shower it sets them all of (they are hardwired)

  31. We change the batteries 2 times a year but it really only gets "checked" when hubby burns dinner.
    jenswps at yahoo . com
    Jennifer C

  32. we check ours whenever the time change happens
    rochelle johnson

  33. I usually wait until it starts beeping.
    Miz Vickik

  34. I have never checked it

    jdmimi at gmail dot com

  35. I don't have any alarms.
