What are your plans for Halloween? Will your child be trick-or-treating this weekend or on Monday night?
Halloween in NYC is very different. I grew up going door to door in my neighborhood collecting my sugary loot from various houses. The kids here go from store to store to receive their candy. They might start at the bank, then go to the drug store, then to the grocery store, etc. Obviously this is what the children are used to and they probably only see "authentic" trick or treating in movies or books. They do go from apartment to apartment in their building if the building allows it at least. The neighbors sign up if they want to give out candy. I find it a little sad that the kids here don't have the suburban trick-or-treating experience. There are so many kids in this city that the stores can run out of candy early. At least with a neighborhood, you can anticipate how many kids you'll receive from previous years and you can buy the candy accordingly.

I remember being able to go up to the houses myself with friends while our parents waited at the end of the driveway. They also knew the owners of the house and knew we would be okay. You can't do that here because you don't know who's around you and if any danger could possibly be lurking.
Even though I am way too old to trick-or-treat, I can remember how exciting trick-or-treating was and I always loved getting into my costume too. It's fun to see all of the kids' costumes as I walk the area I live. My favorite candy was always Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and 3 Musketeers. I always loved getting those in my pumpkin basket.
You can guarantee this will be me after Halloween.

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