Ruff Wear's mission is to build performance product to enhance and inspire outdoor adventures for dogs and their human companions. That mission has stood the test of time. Ruff Wear continually strives to design and build performance dog gear that allows their four-legged friends to accompany us on our shared adventures, all while providing a level of safety and comfort in the great outdoors.
I thought this company was really unique. They are dedicated in selling products that allow us to enjoy outdoor activities with our furry friends. I've never seen a website that feels so strongly about it and I really admire that. Why not include your dog on your outdoor walks, hikes, or camp-outs? Let them have some fun too! Are you looking for a dog life jacket, dog boots, portable dog bowls, dog packs, or even dog harnesses? Ruff Wear sells all of those in many different colors and styles.
Since Colby is 13 and I don't do many outdoor activities that involve her, a lot of these products don't apply to us. I settled on two Flat Out leashes. I chose Glacial Blue and Lotus. These leashes come in many different colors and styles, to compliment any dog's fashion sense. :)

The Flat Out Leash features a side release buckle that allows for three handle conversions:
1. Hand-held leash (for a standard walk)
2. Waist-worn leash (for a hands-free adventure)
3. Fixed leash (clipped around a tree or post while you run to grab a cup of coffee)
A convenient traffic handle close to the Talon Clip™ gives you quick control.
These leashes are absolutely great! They are very strong and durable which is really nice. Colby's previous leash and collar were cute but not very quality made and it got ruined pretty quickly. I can tell that these leashes will not fray or get ruined easily. The colors are cute too. I think my favorite is the Lotus leash, the pink and green colors really compliment each other nicely. I like that there are three handle conversions just in case I need to change how I walk Colby. I would never use the fixed leash though. I've used the hand-held leash for a standard walk quite a few times already, which is what I'm used to. I haven't tried the waist-worn leash yet, but I will soon. The leashes are very easy to use and they are secure too, so she can not get out of the collar easily. I think Colby's favorite is the Lotus leash too because she's very much a girly dog!
*Disclosure-I was provided product from Ruff Wear in exchange for this review. All thoughts and opinions are strictly mine.

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