Newman's Own Organics was established as a division of Newman’s Own in 1993, and became a separate company in late 2001. Paul Newman has given over $200 million to thousands of charities worldwide since 1982.
Newman's is such a recognizable brand and the packaging is very distinctive because it features Nell and Pa Newman.
I was sent a wonderful assortment of snacks. I received a bag of peanut butter cups, 2 bars of plain milk chocolate, Fig Newman cookies, a bag of chocolate alphabet cookies, a huge bottle of olive oil, a bag of pretzels, some royal tea, and a box of microwave popcorn.

I love that the bottle of olive oil is so huge because I cook with it so often, so it's nice that I have a back up bottle when mine eventually runs out. It will last me a while. I also liked that I was sent a large box of tea because I drink tea on a regular basis.
I haven't tried all the snacks yet but I did try the pretzels, the alphabet cookies, and some of the peanut butter cups. The pretzels had a great crunchy flavor with just a hint of saltiness. I love really crunchy pretzels, so these were right up my ally. The peanut butter cups were so delicious. Smooth, creamy peanut butter mixed with sweet chocolate. How can you go wrong? It's impossible. They were outstanding! The alphabet cookies were good too. They had sort of a graham cracker taste to them, but with chocolate instead of the graham. The chocolate was more subtle in this cookie, but still extremely pleasant. I love that Newman's Own sent me so many chocolate products, they know I have a big sweet tooth! I can't wait to try out the rest of the products. I know I will love them.

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