Wilton sent me a cupcake stand that holds 13 cupcakes, and a muffin pan.

I love this, it's the cutest thing!! I can't wait to use it at my next party and display some decorated cupcakes. I saw some stands that held 24 cupcakes but I thought it looked too crowded. The stand looks perfect holding 13. I think the stand itself is of good quality, and won't break with the weight of the cupcakes, and I like the swirl design of it.
Individually decorated cupcakes are the perfect way to add a personal touch to celebrations. Now, with Cupcakes 'N More, you have the perfect way to serve them! The look is fresh and fun, featuring bold silver-finished wire spirals to securely hold each cupcake. The twisting, towering design is perfect for any setting-showers, kids' birthdays, weddings, holidays, graduation parties and more.
Easy to assemble! Just stack each layer of cupcakes onto the locking center rod.
Keeps looking great! Non-toxic, silver-finished metal has a durable non-chip finish.
Collapsible design Stores easily and safely.
Holds 13 cupcakes

This muffin pan is great quality. I've been using silicone muffin pans for years now, but I am switching back to metal, non stick pans now. These aren't as flimsy and are easier to hold and get the cupcakes/muffins out of. I can't wait to make my next batch of cupcakes and then put them in the stand!
Everglide® metal-safe non-stick resists scratching from most metal tools. Oversized handles are designed for easy handling in and out of the oven. Commercial weight construction prevents warping and will distribute heat evenly.

Love that cupcake tower!