Saturday, May 12, 2018

My 4th Mother's Day!

Tomorrow marks my 4th Mother's Day.  Can you believe it?

It seems like yesterday Scarlett was a baby and the future was full of wonder and discovery.  The years flew by and my tiny baby transformed into a walking, talking toddler who is full of opinions and questions.  Sometimes I miss the days where life was slower and Scarlett was less active but I also am happy with where life is currently. 

Scarlett and I on my first Mother's Day in 2015.  She was 5 months old!

Being a mom is certainly not for everyone.  You sacrifice a lot and you give your child your all.  Life is not just about you anymore, but caring for someone else's needs entirely day in and day out.  Not everyone is cut out to be a parent and that's perfectly ok.   It's up to me to make sure Scarlett is happy and healthy, especially as a stay-at-home-mom.  Our days are long and sometimes I am exhausted by bedtime, but like they say the days are long and the years are short.

It's scary to me that Scarlett is turning four this year.  It really does make me sad because the baby years are fleeting and I'll blink and she'll be in kindergarten!  I wish there was a way to freeze time because three is such a fun age.  Scarlett constantly makes my husband and I laugh and she's really a joy to be around.  I can have a real conversation with her and she has a lot to say these days! Plus, she's into music and loves to sing along to certain pop songs on the radio.

My wish for her on Mother's Day is for us to always be close.  I wish her all the happiness in the world and will always love her now and forever.  

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