Thursday, January 12, 2017

Switching From A Nursery To A Child's Bedroom: Help For Moms To Create The New Room

Disclosure: This is a contributed post.

It only feels like five minutes ago that our little one was in nappies. But now they are becoming a little person, it’s time to make some changes in the house. After all, the bedroom can no longer be a nursery for your toddler. However, it can be a challenge to make a room which will not need changing for the next few years for your child. Therefore, here is some help for moms to switch the nursery to a child’s bedroom.

You need to repaint the room

When you created the nursery, it’s likely that you went for a yellow or cream if you didn’t know the gender of the new baby. Or perhaps a blue or pink if you did choose to find out. But now that your little one is growing up and developing a personality, it’s time to change the color of the room. After all, they are bound to have a favorite color now that they are becoming more talkative. Of course, you want a color which will last your child over the years. After all, you don’t want to have to repaint the room in a couple of years time. Therefore, choose something which is going to grow with your child. And if you decide to go for a wallpaper, make sure you go for something that your child will not hate in years to come. After all, they might be a huge fan of Peppa Pig now, but in a couple of years, you might have to change it. Therefore, it’s a good idea to go for a patterned wallpaper and then you can always accessorize with your kid’s favorite characters. That way, you can swap these out without much trouble once your child has got bored!

It’s time to upgrade the bed

As much as a cot is good to start with, it’s not viable once your child has become a toddler. Therefore, it’s time to upgrade the bed to ensure it’s more fitting for your child’s new bedroom. There is so much choice around when it comes to beds for little ones. You can get a bed which has been designed specifically for toddlers. That way, it will be the right size for your child. But if you want something they can grow into, you ought to consider a single bed. Or you might even want to look into something like a mid sleeper or cabin beds for your child’s bedroom. These are fun beds which offer a lot more than sleeping. They give you space for your kid’s belongings as they have drawers and shelves. And they really are a feature piece as they stand out when you walk into the room. Whichever bed you do go for, make sure you get an appropriate mattress which will protect your kid’s growing bones. And here is some more advice on switching from a crib to a big-kid bed!

Look into a mini table and chairs

As your child gets older, they will take part in more creative activities like painting and drawing. And while they can do it on the kitchen table (get a cover to protect it), it might be more fun to let them get creative in their own room. One way you can do this is by getting a mini table and chairs for their room. It can sit in the middle of the room and will be perfect when it’s time for some drawing. It’s also a good idea for when your little one is having a playdate. And it will last them for a good few years as they will use it to do their homework too. Just make sure you clean it to remove the pen marks quickly so it doesn’t get ruined.

Buy some book shelves

Reading is such a vital thing in a toddler’s life. After all, it’s teaching them basic skills that they need for the rest of their life. And reading books gives the child a wealth of knowledge about the world. Therefore, to ensure they have access to all their books, you should consider buying some book shelves for their room. That way, you can display all their books in the room. And when it comes to reading a bedtime story, you will be able to quickly pick out a novel for your child. They will need the bookshelves as they get older and bring home books from school. So it’s something that can grow with your child over the years!

Consider adding some pictures on the walls

When the bedroom was a nursery for your child, it’s likely that you just had wall art decorating their room. After all, photos weren’t really a must for your baby. But now as your child is getting older, it’s a good idea to add some pictures of the room. For one thing, it will make the room feel more personalized for your child. And not only this but if they wake up in the night, they will feel a lot more comforted seeing photos of their family. Therefore, add pictures of your family to the walls in your child’s room. And you could even add some pictures of your kid with their friends to the wall.

Look into adding a TV to the room

As much as the bedroom should stay a place where sleeping is the top priority, it also needs to be a room where your kid can have fun. After all, there might be times where it’s necessary they need to be in their bedroom. And it can also help to let them chill out in the room before they head to the land of nod. So one thing you should consider adding to their room is a TV. That way, they can watch the television before they go to sleep. In fact, you might want to put on a DVD when they head to bed, and they will drift off while watching it. You could even set a standby on the TV so it will turn off after a particular time. Just make sure your kid doesn’t get up in the night to watch the television!

Make sure it’s not overcrowded

It’s also vital that you make sure you leave enough space in your kid’s room for playing. After all, you don’t want them to end up having no space for them to play with their toys. In fact, you will end up with the living room filled with all their toys if there is no room in the bedroom. Therefore, make sure you think carefully before adding large items to your kid’s new big bedroom. And if you are limited for room, you might want to consider putting them in a different bedroom and then using their old nursery for a playroom. And then it can become a nursery again if you go on to have another child!

Add some toy boxes

When your little one is a newborn, it’s not necessary for them to have a load of toys in the room. But as they get older, they are bound to want the toys in the room. But then their bedroom can end up filled with toys. Therefore, when you are creating a new bedroom for the kids, you should consider getting some toy boxes. That way, they can hold all your child’s essential toys. And you can get lots of creative toy boxes which will look great in your kid’s room. And make sure you still have plenty of storage options like drawers and shelves in the rooms for your kid! They are bound to have more clothes than you before they are four!

And always think about safety when creating the perfect bedroom for your child. After all, you don’t want an accident to occur as the furniture wasn’t properly fitted or was poor quality!

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