Tuesday, June 7, 2016

How Great Recipes Can Enhance Your Lifestyle

Life is often too busy to spend much time in the kitchen. We’ve got other chores to do, kids to care for, and a career to juggle. But spending that little bit of extra time considering your next family meal could be one of the best ways to enjoy more quality time with them. Sitting down as a family at the table is still a very important way to bond with your kids and partner. It gives you all a chance to chat and catch up, as well as spending quality time together.

Of course, if a family meal is important in your household, you need to make sure you have some really great recipes. Suiting everyone’s tastes can be tricky, though. Some people may be keen to watch their waistline, while others might be ready to eat for two after a long day! So how do you get it right? Having a good recipe book can really help. Understand the method and the number of portions you’ll get. This can help you to make the minor adjustments your family members might request. Sounds like hard work? Here’s why picking great recipes could be good for your lifestyle:

Calorie Control
A good recipe will either detail the calories for each portion or be simple enough to calculate for yourself. So many of us are actively monitoring what we eat these days. And it can be so much easier if we know just how many calories we’re taking in. It can also help you work out if that tasty dessert can fit into your calorie limits!

Fat and Sugar Reduction
Many of us are also trying to reduce the amount of fat and sugar we have in our meals. This can be tricky to do if you’re buying sauces from a jar rather than making them yourself. Excess sugar in our diets can lead to diabetes and other health complications. Of course, it’s not just fat and sugar we need to be wary of. Some people need to avoid nuts, gluten, lactose, or meat. Checking all the labels all the time is really hard work! Why not use healthy shop bought options to save time on some of your ingredients? Things like the Just Mayo Hampton Creek range offer foods that are free of things like egg. Pop it in your recipe and you can opt for a healthy home made meal.

Processed Foods
If you’re trying to cut down on processed foods, then cooking all your meals yourself can certainly help to avoid them. Not all foods in jars, tins and packets are harmful, though. And some recipes can be made much easier when you add ingredients that are ready to go. However, food tastes incredible when it’s really fresh. Try to find recipes that include lots of fresh ingredients. They’ll be packed full of amazing flavors and nutrition to make your tummy smile.

Easy and Convenient
Whether you love to cook or not, there will always be days when you’re looking for something easy and convenient. A great recipe gives you a way to make tasty, wholesome food quickly and easily. It’s also convenient if you can batch cook. Freezing extra portions for another day saves you cooking at the stove when you’re home late. Pop it in the microwave to reheat and you can enjoy that fabulous dinner again.

Fun to Cook
Some of my favorite recipes are actually really fun to cook. Even if you’re not the biggest fan of food preparation, there are always fun recipes out there that bring pleasure to the process. You might be a fan of kitchen gadgets that make light work of peeling, chopping, shredding, mixing and blitzing. Soup makers, blenders and smoothie machines also make everything more convenient. Great food created in a fun way can really bring the joy back to dining.

Master of the Kitchen
The more you cook, the better you become. Lots of recipes need a little tweaking to taste the way you want them to. If you understand the relationships between the flavors, you can do that with ease every time. You’ll become quicker at chopping and peeling. And your favorite recipes will soon take just a fraction of the time as you become familiar with the method. Not only will you enjoy providing fabulous meals for your family, but you’ll be cutting down the time it takes to do as well. All that adds up to more quality time with the kids.

Easy to Shop
A really good recipe collection is easy to shop for. You should be able to find all the ingredients in your local stores. And if you have the recipe to hand on your phone, you can easily shop for the right quantities of the things you need. Shopping for dinner should be fun. It should help you build expectation and excitement for the culinary delights that you’ll create. And choosing your own produce to pop in the dish helps you to know you’re getting fresh ingredients that are healthy. If you want a meal that is good for you, it makes sense to source each of the ingredients yourself.

Some recipes also give you plenty of choice in how you use them. Dishes like Pasta can be used hot or cold in a salad. Finding the right recipes that can give you the variety you’re looking for doesn’t need to be tricky. Think back on some of your favorite meals you’ve had recently. Would any of those work cold? Would you need to change any of the ingredients? The best bit about versatile meals is that you can pop leftovers in the fridge to have later or take to work for lunch.

Forward Planning
A little forward planning when it comes to your meals can make life so much easier. Make a meal plan. Figure out which of the meals your kids can get involved in making. Which can make delicious batches for convenient meals when you’re out late? And if you’re short on time, pull out all the ingredients and head to the shop to pick them all up in one go. Great recipes really can make your lifestyle easier and happier.

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