Life is meant to be lived to the fullest, but sometimes we forget that when everything else gets in the way. If you want to get out to enjoy the sunshine, then you need to make sure that all your other ducks are in line. When you have all the necessities taken care of, you are much more likely to enjoy yourself when you are doing other things. Here are some tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your everyday life—getting things done and making memories.
• Get a day planner – The vast majority of people now organize everything on their phones or other portable devices, though some still have paper day planners as well. Either method is fine, just make sure it works for you. There are advantages to both modes of organization, since a paper planner won’t glitch on you or lose your data, but an electronic planner can send you reminders and make sure you have no scheduling conflicts.
• Keep a journal – A journal helps you remember special memories, but it also helps you keep track of important dates and milestones as well. If you have a hard time remembering fun date activities, you can keep a running list in the back. Or, a journal is useful if you want to store letters, cards, photos and other mementos tied to a specific date or memory.
• Take photographs–This is true especially if you have children because they grow and change so much over such a short period of time. Whether you take a picture a day to chronicle your life’s events, or you only take a camera to special events, make sure you always keep it charged for those moments that are both unexpected and completely amazing.
• Block out time – If you find you are always stressed or busy, block out at least a half hour of time each day that is solely for you. Use this time to do something you love, like reading, talking with friends or doing a hobby.
If we aren’t careful, life will take over and we won’t have anything to show for it. Take the time to get organized and make memories, you’ll appreciate it down the line.
This guest post was provided by Hapari swimwear—
Providing fashionable, affordable and flattering tankinis for the real woman’s body. Hapari specializes in quality modest swimwear that supports, conceals and
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Great ideas! Here from the MOnster Blog Hop - now a follower and hope you have time to stop by mine too!