Ocean Spray, produces many different types of regular and diet juices that are outstanding and quench your thirst like no other. They also offer sauces, produce, and oatmeal too.
A new line of sparkling juices has been introduced and I knew I had to try them. They looked great! The juices come in either diet blueberry pomegranate, or cranberry. Both flavors are also available in diet too. I love sparkling juices and carbonated water, so I knew I would really enjoy this new line. The diet cans have 10 calories per can, and the regular cans have 90 calories per can.

Don't be fooled by these small cans, they pack a great taste inside! I tried the diet cranberry first. The cranberry has a great tart and sweet flavor that accompanies a very refreshing splash of carbonation. The carbonation is very light and subtle, it is not overwhelming or harsh, like a soda. I've never had sparkling cranberry juice, but I absolutely love the combination.
Blueberries and pomegranate combine very nicely and I love them together, especially in Ocean Spray juice :) The two fruits have such a crisp, clean taste when paired together but it goes up a notch when paired with bubbles. These drinks are great for a pick-me-up during the day, or when you want something to drink besides water. They leave you craving their bubbly goodness long after the drink is gone.
The only thing I wish was that the cans were a little bit bigger, maybe just a few ounces more. It would also be nice if the sparkling juices became available in 64 fl oz bottles too. I wonder if over time more flavors will be introduced as well.

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