Miche sent me a purse base with two shells called "Shawna and Lexi." The shells have so much personality and are so fun.
Miche Bags are truly so versatile. Now you can have a few bags to match that outfit or dress, instead of just one!

The shells are very easy to insert into the base, and they stay put well and I've never had any issues with the shell not staying in the base. I love the size of them because they virtually hold anything you may need. Huge wallet, cell phone, ipod, even ipad, keys, dayplanner? Yup, it holds all of those items! You can even use these bags as a diaper bag, or to hold your netbook. The bags would also be great for travel too as they are so roomy. The Lexi shell brightens up a bleak day with the adorable giraffe print. The red adds a nice pop of color too. The Shawna shell is so classy and would be great to use at a party or a work event. The bags are made with high quality material and are built to last. I am truly satisfied with Miche.
Differences between the big bag and small bag:
Sack style base versus hard sided.
Inside has a lot more organization to it.
Shells have more magnets since there is no zipper, magnets hold it closed and fold over so you do not even see the outside of the base
Handles interchange with all available handles for all bags.
Shells actually make the bag seem bigger depending on the style of the bag.
All shells have pockets of some kind.
I've gotten many compliments on both shells often, as I change them quite frequently. People thought I was using two different purses but were shocked and impressed that it was one purse with two different shells! They said they love Miche and want to buy a bag!

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